Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern all the aspects of the Customer’s interaction with the website located at crumb4life.com and the services that are offered by Crumb4Life. By accessing the Website and using our services you express your consent to be bound by all terms, rules and provisions stipulated herein.

These Terms and Conditions were originally written in the English language and may be translated in other languages for better understanding. In case there are possible differences in interpretation or the application of these terms and conditions, the English version of these Terms will prevail.

1. Definitions

  1. Crumb4Life (hereinafter also referred to as “Company”, “Website”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) is a company located at Rüütli tn 24/1 Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn Harju maakond 10130, and registered with the commercial registry under number 16189904.
  2. Terms and Conditions (hereinafter also referred to as “Terms”, “Agreement”, “Contract”) are the rules and regulations that govern the Customer’s use of our website and services.
  3. Customer: A natural or legal person who has contracted Crumb4Life to provide services.
  4. Service(s): All services, proofreading & editing, that Crumb4Life carries out as part of an accepted assignment.
  5. Document(s): All documents provided to Crumb4Life by the customer in order to order our services.
  6. Assignment: An agreement by which Crumb4Life undertakes the provision of certain services to the customer.
  7. Proofreading & editing service: A service that entails a document being checked by an editor and Crumb4Life .
  8. Proofreading & editing period: The period that ends with the final time and date by which a document should be checked.
  9. Editor: A natural or legal person who is employed by our Company to execute an order that is received from a customer.

2. Applicability

  1. Please note that these Terms and Conditions only apply to the Educational Consultancy services. In case you have requested Educational Project or Lead Acquisition development services, the separate Terms and Conditions will be stated in the Agreement that can be accepted and signed upon the negotiation results.
  2. When it appears that one or more of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is at any time wholly or partially invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain fully applicable.
  3. When the interpretation of one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions is unclear, an explanation that is “in the spirit” of these provisions shall be applicable. This is also the case when a situation that is not detailed in these Terms and Conditions arises.
  4. If Crumb4Life is not in strict compliance with these Terms and Conditions, it does not mean that the provisions are invalid or that Crumb4Life loses its right to otherwise demand strict adherence to them.

3. Offer

  1. An offer contains a complete and accurate description of the services being delivered by Crumb4Life. The description will be detailed enough so that the
    Customer can properly assess it. Mistakes or obvious errors within the offer are not binding for the Company.

4. Agreement

  1. The Contract is concluded when the Customer accepts our offer.
  2. The Company will confirm receipt of the customer’s offer acceptance by electronic means.

5. Changes to the Agreement

  1. Crumb4Life reserves the right to modify or amend an Agreement between the Company and the Customer in order to properly perform the services under these Terms and Conditions. 
  2. The Company can refuse a request to modify an Agreement without being in default of the Agreement or omitting any terms therefrom.

6. Cancellation of a Contract by Crumb4Life

  1. Crumb4Life is authorised to cancel a Contract after it has been concluded.
  2. The Company has the right to cancel a Contract if We consider that the document uploaded by the Customer does not meet minimum requirements.
  3. The minimum requirements for a document are as follows:
    1. The document must be education-related.
    2. The uploaded document for the proofreading & editing service must be of good quality so that an editor can check it in a standard manner. Quality assessment is undertaken by Crumb4Life. When the basic quality of the document is too low, an editor cannot edit the document following the typical procedure.
    3. The Customer is not involved or otherwise associated with committing fraudulent activities.
  4. When Crumb4Life cancels a Contract, We will notify the Customer about the matter as soon as possible.

7. Retention of Documents

  1. If the Customer purchases a proofreading & editing service, Crumb4Life will store his/her document on its server for up to one year.
  2. The proofreading & editing service implies that our editor will receive the document for check. Once the editor has finished checking the document, he/she is required to delete it.

8. Review Period for a Proofreading & Editing Service

  1. A proofreading & editing period will be determined when such service is purchased.
  2. The assigned editor may decide when to deliver the checked document as long as he/she meets the deadline requirements.
  3. Crumb4Life will notify the proofreading & editing period to the Customer in advance via email. The proofreading & editing period can also be viewed in the customer area of the website.
  4. The proofreading & editing period shall begin at the time of payment and end when Crumb4Life makes the checked document available to the Customer.
  5. If the editor fails to meet the deadline, the Company will inform the Customer in a 
  6. The Company excludes its liability for late document delivery due to technical issues. 

9. Refund Eligibility

Crumb4Life.com serves as a platform, facilitating the connection between Writers and Customers. It's important to note that we are not party to any agreements established between Writers and Customers or involved directly in the provision of any services or materials provided by the Writers. Consequently, we do not actively monitor the transactions between Customers and Writers.

However, our commitment to you extends beyond simply offering a platform for academic assistance; we also uphold your right to satisfaction. Our Refund Policy ensures your protection by providing the right to request a refund if the product delivered by the Writer does not align with the requirements specified in your Order.

In our quest to maintain transparency and fairness, we have outlined specific circumstances under which a refund can be granted. To provide the utmost confidence in our services, we want to ensure you leave with a clear understanding of our refund process and a feeling of absolute satisfaction.

The following are the circumstances in which you can request a refund:

  1. Customers have the privilege to cancel orders under specific conditions:

    • Early Cancellation: If no Writer has been assigned to the Order, the Customer is entitled to a 100% refund.
    • Late Cancellation: If the Writer has already commenced work on the Order, the refund amount will be proportional to the remaining work yet to be completed, up to a maximum of 70%. If the Order has been fully completed, it will be treated as a Disputed Claim.
    • Cancellation Without Assigned Writer: In exceptional cases where no Writer has been assigned, a full refund will be issued.
  2. Refunds for delays in delivery are contingent upon the circumstances:

    • Company's Fault: If the delay is attributable to our error, the Customer may receive a partial refund based on the difference in timeframes, provided they still intend to use the work. If the Customer chooses not to download the provided work, a full refund can be granted.
    • Customer's Fault: If the delay is due to the Customer's actions, such as the inability to proceed with the order due to missing information or details, no refund can be granted.
  3. Claims concerning the originality of the work are treated seriously:

    • Plagiarism Report: The Customer must provide an official report from SafeAssign or Turnitin. If the report indicates that more than 10% of the work is plagiarized, the Customer is eligible for a full refund. This calculation excludes citations, quotations, and general phrases.
  4. Refunds for duplicate orders or charges are handled as follows:

    • Double Billing: If a Customer has been mistakenly billed twice for the same Order, the additional charge will be fully refunded.
    • Duplicate Orders: If the Customer accidentally places two similar orders, standard cancellation rules apply. In the event of two identical orders being placed and paid for, it will be assumed that both orders are required, and work will proceed accordingly. If an order has been unintentionally paid for, immediate contact must be made with us to rectify the situation.

Please note that if a 100% refund is granted, you are prohibited from using the Product, and all rights granted under the Product License are terminated.

10. Liability

  1. The Company is liable only for consequences stated in these provisions.
  2. Crumb4Life is not liable for any damages caused by incorrect and/or incomplete information provided to us by or on behalf of the Customer.
  3. If Crumb4Life is liable for losses limited to only the invoice value of the Contract, at least for the portion of the order to which the liability relates.
  4. The Company is not liable for any damage suffered by the Customer in the event that Crumb4Life rejects his/her order.
  5. We do not hold any liability for damage to or loss of documents that are stored by Crumb4Life or third parties.
  6. Crumb4Life is not liable for consequences and potential damage to the Customer in the event that it does not meet a proofreading & editing deadline.
  7. Crumb4Life is not liable for consequential damages, including those caused by the Customer experiencing delays in or failing his/her academic program or the Customer’s document being failed by an academic institution.
  8. Crumb4Life reserves the right to undo damage of the Customer, if possible and to the extent possible.

11. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

  1. Crumb4Life reserves the right to amend or supplement these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Crumb4Life is not responsible for any possible consequences that may arise from your failure to check the updates to these Terms and Conditions. 

12. Applicable Laws and Dispute Settlement

  1. All legal relationships to which Crumb4Life is a party are subject exclusively to Estonian law, including when the other party involved in the legal relationship resides wholly or partly abroad. Crumb4Life excludes the application of the CISG.
  2. All disputes will be settled by the competent court in the district where Crumb4Life is located.

13. Ownership

  1. https://crumb4life.com is operated by Crumb4life OÜ with the registered address at: Rüütli tn 24/1 Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn Harju maakond, Eesti, 10130, under the laws of Estonia.

14. Returns and correspondence

  1. Address for Returns and Cardholder correspondence: Rüütli tn 24/1, Tallinn Harjumaa, Eesti, 10130.